Harry Potter and the Midgies

Our last night in Scotland was spent in the Glen Coe region of Scotland, a beautiful varied landscape comprised of the UKs tallest mountain Ben Nevis, high mountain passes with moors on top and more lochs than you know what to do with. Our drive away from Skye gave us the opportunity to stop at […]

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“Down and to the Left”

The annual Rubin adventure has brought us somewhere new – the beautiful country of Scotland! Once again we are traveling with our kiddo in tow who continues to get more mobile and verbal (odd how that happens eh?) which makes our trips infinitely more entertaining and infinitely more exhausting. Z’s understanding of this trip has […]

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Airplanes and Suitcases

Airplanes and suitcases. The unsung heroes that make travel possible and, without fail, are somehow left out of the stories told once the journey has been completed. Trains are so two centuries ago. My recent trip to London was only possible due to my parents’ working for Bell Helicopter and it’s involvement in the bi-yearly Farnborough […]

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The Tower Revisited

At some point during the last two years London Tower was invaded by steel wool animals. Baboons, polar bears, lions and an elephant have all appeared at various spots throughout the Tower grounds. The Monkeys are Taking Over Apparently, the Tower was used as a menagerie/holding cell/terrible place to live-and-die for all sorts of exotic […]

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Thursday is Friday and Three equals Four

Otherwise known as travel mishaps. And in the Rubin household you can be guaranteed at least one per trip. From bird poop, to rainy beaches, to getting stuck on a narrow street mid three-point-turn. If it’s belly laugh inducing (and at the time, anxiety provoking) chancing are it’s happened to us. Little did I know […]

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Even the Escalators are Friendly

1 hour and 9 minutes later and I am in Toronto, Canada impatiently waiting for my sister’s flight to land from DFW. After turning down the many friendly suggestions made by the passport control man at the connecting gate to go out and explore the city, I am hunkered down with a coffee (gotta stay […]

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