Roman Holiday

First step: create blog

Second step: forget to update it…ever!

It has been quite a busy year since our last post at Christmas. I am scurrying around finishing up my last few finals and papers for Spring semester and am eagerly anticipating December 2010 when I will be graduating with my Masters!  Adam has been quite busy as well helping his company expand business and hiring new employees.

What we both can’t believe is that in 9 days we will be leaving the country for a long vacation to London and Italy. We are so fortunate to be able to take this vacation – especially since it required Adam’s job to let him work from overseas! Our plan is to update this blog with pictures and stories of our time spent in each city…we’ll see how we do!

We are planning on visiting the following cities: London, Rome, Venice, Florence, Verona, Siena, Lucca…lots of traveling in 28 days! The things I am most excited about seeing are: Stonehenge, Coliseum, Forum, Bernini sculptures, Boticelli paintings, and lots of Italians! Oh yea…and I hear the food is pretty good over there too.

It is hard to believe that this will be our third trip overseas together (Paris, Greece, Italy). We’ve turned into some real world travellers here and, I have to admit, I really enjoy it!

Well there goes my first solo blog post…hopefully my humor and writing style will improve with use! Next update will be from LONDON! (I’m excited, can you tell?)

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  1. That is the MOST adorable photo to post! And we loved this entry–you’re a natural blogger.

  2. Hey My Carolina Girl — loved reading about your upcoming trip! Loved the picture too. Soooo cute! Can’t wait to read all the updates during your awesome vacation! I love you, Mom

  3. Hey you two wonderful travelers…..This is a great entry….Have big fun, take big bites! Can’t wait to read all of the entries….

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