A White Christmas in Texas

For Christmas this year we (including Dori) visited with my family in Saginaw, Texas.  The drive down was long (~16 hours) and included a short stop for Dori’s “accident” in the backseat but it was otherwise smooth sailing and uneventful.

During our stay in Texas we had quality time with my parents and sister – it is always so nice to come “home” for the holidays! Adam had an interesting adventure of shooting “skeet” with my dad (Jim) and quickly became obsessed with shotguns (the jury is still out on whether we will have one in our house). Last minute preparations for Christmas meant some shopping time for the girls (and guys!) and lots of secretive wrapping of presents. Much to our excitement snow started falling early Christmas Eve morning and continued into the night. While this was not our first snow together, it was our first “White Christmas” and made Christmas Day feel that much more special and festive!

As it always seems to happen, our trip went by entirely too quickly and after a very short visit up to Oklahoma to visit with my paternal grandparents, Aunt and cousins, we were back on the road for the trip back home. Thankfully the trip back was a piece of cake with no surprises from our dear dog Dori.

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  1. Yes, we LOVED having our family together at Christmas. It was a perfect Christmas for me. Dori is the perfect granddog too!

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