Eating Mr. Roo

Okay, I feel kind of bad/disgusted by that title…   This past weekend was full of all kinds of adventures and was also a long weekend – ah the perks of being subject to the crown! We spent a lot of time getting Adam’s business closet finalized which included – surprise! – a trip to […]

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The Egg Dilemma

One of the many necessities of living – anywhere – is knowing where to find your food. A convenient spot that we’ve found is literally 32 floors below us, the Woolworths grocery store. Here you will find most everything you need: fresh produce, eggs, dairy, meats, bakery, non-perishables, household supplies and even some house décor. […]

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House Hunters International

Finding an apartment in Melbourne was both much easier and frustrating than we anticipated. The frustrations, luckily were easily remedied and were mostly due to plain old “I didn’t know they did that here” ignorance.   For starters – anyone who has rented property in the U.S.A. knows that realtors are basically yours to command […]

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First and foremost – there WILL be pictures of Melbourne posted on here soon – yours truly currently doesn’t have a way of getting her pictures from the camera to the computer (ah, the good old days when this wasn’t even a concern!).   The run down on how that little bit happened:   *Contemplating […]

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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Greetings from the future.   We are safely landed, through customs, through baggage claim, through second inspection line, and at our lovely hotel in Melbourne. The weather is a little drizzly and brisk.  And we are looking quite sprightly considering the amount of time it’s been since our last proper shower.   Our flights over […]

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Time Travel

Well, here we are again. On the brink of a new adventure to different lands…with a twist.   One way tickets, checked bags, and flying in the wrong direction.   It’s hard to believe that a mere two and a half weeks ago we received word that we were to be heading to Melbourne…how much […]

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Our Year Without a Summer

When opportunity knocks, most say answer.   Well it knocked, and answer we did. About a month ago Adam was approached with an opportunity to work abroad, more specifically, Melbourne Australia. Frantically he calls me, explains and asks “what should I say?”. “YES, say YES!”. “What, now?”. “ YES NOW!”.   Fast forward four weeks […]

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