The Best In The World

Stumbled upon an interesting article which attempts to rank the Best Cities In the World… Pause for dramatic effect. It certainly made me smile to see some of the places I’ve visited had made it onto the list. (And it kind of made me visualize Elf congratulating the #1 spot…) “Congratulations! You did it! Best […]

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Chasing Dreams

Bucket lists. Before-you-die lists. Must-do lists. If it sounds like a chore, I probably won’t do it. That’s why I prefer “Chasing Dreams”. Various times over the years I’ve had the opportunity to talk about my absolute musts in life. Things that, should I have a chance to do, would make my life that much […]

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Minor Celebrity

There are some places you visit where it’s relatively easy to blend in and not look like too much of a tourist. As a white person, Japan is not one of those places. You could have the fashion down to a T, speak perfect Japanese and go to the most local joint ever and still […]

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“200 Of My Closest Friends”

I remember all too clearly the dangers that are involved when combining early morning travel and zero coffee. Today another little wrinkle, if you can call it that, was thrown into the mix. First class seats. I didn’t really know what to expect. Celebrities in every seat, wild wild west mentality, rampant “please use the […]

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Into the East

Except we’re traveling west…whatever. Another round of travel is upon us! A new country! A new language! A new chance to experience time travel!* Japan. From the days when my sister was (is) obsessed with Sailor Moon and all things Japanese to my ongoing love affair with sushi; Japan has been an eagerly anticipated destination […]

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…snow. What the hell is that anyway? The Denver weather channels are all touting the same message: a Spring Snowstorm! With the exclamation point. With excitement in their voices! W.T.F. As I’m frantically texting everyone in my office to determine how much of a wimp I’m allowed to be re: driving in the snow, I’d […]

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