The Best In The World

Stumbled upon an interesting article which attempts to rank the Best Cities In the World… Pause for dramatic effect. It certainly made me smile to see some of the places I’ve visited had made it onto the list. (And it kind of made me visualize Elf congratulating the #1 spot…) “Congratulations! You did it! Best […]

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Siena and wine-tasting

The drive to Siena from Lucca was gorgeous, if there was a picture that would sum up Italy…well, except for like the Colosseum, or Trevi Fountain, or Venice…it would be the rolling hills with fields of grapes and olive trees. We decided to take the least direct path to Siena which lead us to the […]

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Canadian Prison a la Florentine

And yes, we’ve done time there… After Verona we took a train to Firenze (Florence), the birthplace of the Renaissance! Our room at the Pensione Canada  wasn’t ready (of course) so we dropped off our bags and went to see the sights. Our first was the Academia – the museum with Michelangelo’s David statue. We […]

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"Where do I put my car?"

Ok, before we start the official “post”, I have to just say Holy Cow the train we took from Rome to Venice goes over water, and not on a bridge. Thus started our three day tour of Venezia, Italy’s water city and one of the most unique places we have visited.  To get anywhere you […]

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When in Rome

We’ve been having an exciting time in Rome these past few days, some unexpected fun– thank you Dragon Lady, and some fun that was quite planned. To give our readers the mini highlight reel: on Sunday we explored the Roman Forum and the Coliseum. We quickly learned that a Roman 70 degree forecast is much […]

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