Anywhere America

Whether it’s a final day breakfast at an American Roadside Diner in Paris, a frappe from the first Starbucks you’ve seen in two weeks in Athens, a bagel in Tokyo, a desperate dinner from McDonalds in Italy. I’ve found that sometimes you just need a small taste of home while away no matter how disgusting. […]

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Travel Day

Subtitle: In Which Zeke Obtains A Seat For Himself Travel days. Not everyone’s most favorite part of travel, but a necessary evil. I happen to be one of those weirdos who still thinks air travel has that special shimmer to it, as if we’re still back in the golden age of flight. Plane food? Delish! […]

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Chasing Dreams

Bucket lists. Before-you-die lists. Must-do lists. If it sounds like a chore, I probably won’t do it. That’s why I prefer “Chasing Dreams”. Various times over the years I’ve had the opportunity to talk about my absolute musts in life. Things that, should I have a chance to do, would make my life that much […]

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