Something that Scares You

I’m sure everyone has heard of this saying before: Do something that scares you every day. Adam and I came across that saying while we were in New Zealand. Adam then mentions that it would be a good new year’s resolution.  I jokingly say ‘yes’ and that it’d be the easiest resolution ever since, you […]

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Blog Fail.

Yes, we know we have a blog…and we’ve become increasingly aware of how infrequently we’ve updated it over the past month. The good news is the lack of blogging is due to an overwhelmingly large amount of fun and exciting things that we’ve been up to. The bad news is that now we have to […]

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Thomas Wolfe once said: You can’t go home again. I actually wrote my college entrance essay on this concept…how poetic that it is that essay that led me to Chapel Hill where Adam and I met…and that these words, many years later, continue to frame our life as we travel, expand our boundaries and pick […]

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The giddiness is starting to set in about our upcoming trip and it has made me think of all the things that this trip is supposed to be honoring. Graduating with my Masters in December, our 4th year of marriage in April, the return to fun and snarky blog posts…and yet as I think of […]

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And the winner is…

Here is our rough itinerary for our 2011 trip across the pond: March 11 – Fly into Munich, Germany Visit the following cities in 16 days: Prague, Amsterdam, Bruges, Paris March 27 – Fly home from Paris. I told you it was a rough itinerary…we are so so thrilled to be continuing our new ‘tradition’ […]

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Don't stop til you get enough…

Grab life by the horns, take big bites, the world is your oyster, grab the bull by his….well you get the picture! Adam and I decided to ‘not stop til we get enough’ of this whole travel thing…so we now know where the travel bug will be bringing us come March 2011! Here are some […]

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Interesting article…and our take on it

This sign should probably be posted at the departure gates of all International flights leaving the U.S. and heading towards Europe… The article (link above) is written by Rick Steves – a quirky, slightly nerdy traveller extraordinaire whose videos and books helped Adam and I plan our recent trip. To give a quick synopsis […]

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A White Christmas in Texas

For Christmas this year we (including Dori) visited with my family in Saginaw, Texas.  The drive down was long (~16 hours) and included a short stop for Dori’s “accident” in the backseat but it was otherwise smooth sailing and uneventful. During our stay in Texas we had quality time with my parents and sister – […]

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