I did it!

Well, I did it. I successfully did not post for an entire year. Congratulations? I’d begin to tell you about the mental stamina and willpower it took to avoid posting for that long, but I don’t want to give away all of my blogging material at once. Therefore I will kick off 2016 with a […]

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One Year Ago, A Day Ago

One year ago a day ago Adam and I were sitting at the Ritz in Tokyo about to enjoy our first experience of sushi in Japan to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary. My how time flies. Yesterday morning we were enjoying a mountain drive home after a experiencing our first “closing weekend” at Vail […]

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Lessons Learned…sort of

One of my favorite bloggers –  The Everywhereist – recently shared her insights gained after writing 1000 posts (!). One that stuck with me had a lot to do with letting go of perfectionism and sometimes just hitting ‘publish’. …she also mentioned something about being consistent with your blogging, sticking to a schedule, etc. etc…. (Please see […]

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The Best In The World

Stumbled upon an interesting article which attempts to rank the Best Cities In the World… Pause for dramatic effect. It certainly made me smile to see some of the places I’ve visited had made it onto the list. (And it kind of made me visualize Elf congratulating the #1 spot…) “Congratulations! You did it! Best […]

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Stuck on Pause

Wow it’s been a while. I realize that I left the blog hanging with our Japan trip…did we simply STOP our Japanese adventure after noticing we were the only white people around? Did we have time for more sushi? How did we get back home? …are we even home right now? I realize the questions […]

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The Longest Year

2012 is dragging. For real. Let me just say that I have been acutely aware of how time seemed to be speeding up over the last six years, but this year? Not so much. It has been 2012 for forever. Maybe it’s due to all of the rampant activity that has occurred in such a […]

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Go Ahead And Jump

Ok, now my song-lyrics-as-post-titles has officially maxed out. On CNN there is a wonderful little travel section of their website where you find little lists and articles about everything dealing with travel. Sometimes there is a great article that inspires you to plan a future trip, change reservations or be extra cautious. And, without fail, […]

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A Milestone Only Slightly Missed

Happy 101th post to MandyandAdam.com!!!! Just had the realization that our little blog had it’s 100th post…yesterday. Oops. But it’s never too late to celebrate or acknowledge something cool! And what better way to do so than by using our 101st post to celebrate our 100th? I’ll admit, I have no idea if the correct […]

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