The Opera House

…and this other place called Sydney. We are back home in Melbourne left with lots of memories and photos of our most recent weekend trip to Sydney. Going through said photos we realized that, without any explanation, people might think that we just sat around for 4 days staring at the Opera House and Harbour […]

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“I’ll Have the Wrap and Crap”

…abbreviated words are hard. Especially at 5:30 AM in an airport. We headed out to Sydney this morning bright and early eager to start our weekend exploring a new part of Australia. We were also eager to get some brekkie as we were uncertain if it would be served free of charge on the plane. […]

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Takin’ it to the Streets

Melbourne has an incredible array of random alleys adorned with graffiti; some are just pictures, some are quite artistic, and some can make you do a double take. The ones with words are particularly likely to do this. Even though you’ve heard these sayings before, sometimes the right color palate and placement transforms these so-called […]

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…it’s happening

We have now been in Melbourne for 56 days…soon to be two months and…it’s happening. We have moved past the adrenaline fueled, manic state of excitement that comes with the first few days to weeks of being somewhere new. We have left behind the urge to carry our cameras with us wherever we go. We […]

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Once In A Lifetime?

A mere 4 hour plane ride is all it takes to get from Melbourne to Perth…that and two wonderful family members to sponsor the whole trip! Adam’s Uncle Bruce and Aunty Cheryl were in Perth visiting Cheryl’s family and decided to send us out there too (hooray!). Adam and his brother Dustin had visited the […]

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No Passport, No ID, No Worries

We had some visitors a few weeks ago – Adam’s Aunty Cheryl and Uncle Bruce were in the neighborhood, so to speak, on their annual visit to Cheryl’s family in Perth. On their way they stopped in Melbourne for a few days. We showed them around our little city, sharing what insights we had gained […]

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The Great Ocean Road

Driving the Great Ocean Road (GOR) was such an incredible experience full of beautiful sights, winding roads, wildlife and, of course, delicious food! Mini history lesson (groan): the GOR was constructed by soldiers of WWI to commemorate their fallen comrades and was completed in 1932; it stretches for 243 km (151 miles) and offers amazing […]

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