Our Year Without a Summer

When opportunity knocks, most say answer.


Well it knocked, and answer we did. About a month ago Adam was approached with an opportunity to work abroad, more specifically, Melbourne Australia. Frantically he calls me, explains and asks “what should I say?”. “YES, say YES!”. “What, now?”. “ YES NOW!”.


Fast forward four weeks of knotting stomachs and we got the official green light. We will be spending the next three to six months in the Land Down Under.


This has been a time of serious living ‘in limbo’ for us. Not knowing when we would get the go ahead, not knowing how much time we would have to close up shop (two weeks, in case you’re curious. Yea.), and not knowing how this would impact our lives here. All of this has been quite anxiety provoking and for weeks we repeated the mantra “Yes, or No, just tell us!”.


Yes it is.


So we are now preparing for what will be our third trip overseas in the past 12 months. Four for Adam. Customs is starting to question us more intensely each time we come back “Exactly how many times have you left the country in the past year?”. Add in that we’re leaving the country with one-way tickets…I’m thinking no more sneaking macaroons or illegal tulips.


This is a dream come true in so many ways. We have talked a big game to each other about how we would love the chance to live overseas…granted we always had England or France in mind, but Australia is about as overseas as you can get. I guess the Universe has a way of hearing you, multiplying by 10 and daring you to put your money where your mouth is. We see this as a great chance to dip our feet into that little expat pool and test the waters. How many ways will this challenge us to grow, be more independent, and truly live away from everyone and everything we know and love? There literally is only one way to find out and, in our oh-so-charmed life, we have an opportunity to do so.




In 11 days we will be packed and embarking on a new trip, one where touring and pleasure are not the sole purpose, and we are honestly so much more excited because of that. In 11 days we will be leaving our little house, leaving our beloved Dori, and leaving our beloved family and friends for a short while. In 11 days we will be heading Down Under in the beautiful month of June. Oh wait…in 11 days we will be leaving the Northern Hemisphere and entering the “other” hemisphere…down under. In 11 days we will officially start our year without a summer.


Vitamin D pills may be in our very near future…


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  1. OK, so we are soooo excited for you all and already know how much we are going to miss you too! You know you all took the old adage about wanting your kids to have roots and wings to heart! Good for you both and we will be following the blog with breathless anticipation! Dinner was fun last night and when/where is the going away party ( just think you get to have another one when you all come back!)

    Love, BD

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