"You’ve come to the right place"

Let’s catch everyone up to where we are now: Roma. Our last day in London (Friday) Adam was working so I spent the day shopping, reading, and people watching. It was quite enjoyable. To make our impending departure from Gatwick to Rome easier (not waking up at 3 AM) we actually spent the night at a small cottage in Horley which was very quaint. Prior to our arrival there we stopped at King’s Cross station to do the least touristy thing we could think of: take a picture at the 9 3/4 platform, or to my non-Harry Potter fans: the place where Harry catches the train to Hogwarts. I know. (Awesome!)


Fast forward 12 hours and we are in the Eternal City! We immediately realize how spoiled London had made us – the bus stations here were not sign posted, in fact they were virtually unmarked, we had to follow the exhaust trails to find the ticket counter! We made it in one piece though and met our apartment owner, a very cute Italian lady, who showed us everything we needed to know about her apartment. Please turn the gas off, please don’t break the key off in the lock, please mind the shutters while you are changing…you know, the normal stuff! We absolutely love our apartment, it is very small, one bedroom, microscopic bathroom, and kitchen/sitting room. However, she has decorated it impeccably, and it feels so homey and cozy. We are quite at home here. Location wise it could not be better: half block from the Campo di Fiori, and less than a five minute walk from Piazza Navona – very  hot spots in Rome.

Our first day here was spent walking in the Piazza Novana, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, and the immediate area surrounding the Pantheon (or as Adam continuously calls it: Parthenon). We were amazed at how many people were here, looking at the same things we were. Much to our delight, the crowds did nothing to hinder our enjoyment of the sights, but added to the fun and overall atmosphere of a lively city. Our favorite sight of the night was the Trevi Fountain, I had no idea (and Adam had forgotten from his teenage years) just how big this fountain is. As all the travel guide books say: we heard it before we saw it. It was a wonderful sight, full of people who (surprisingly) took turns at the base of the fountain so that everyone would have a chance to throw their coins in. The tradition of throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain, by the way, is said to ensure your future return to Rome. Afterour first night here, we certainly hope it is true!

According to the majority of the peddlers/maitre de’s we had ‘come to the right place’ about a thousand times within a one block radius. We took this as a good sign. The useful phrase of ‘non grazie’ has kept most of these at bay, leaving us to pick and choose – with the help of trip advisor and good old intuition. Just FYI our first meal ended up being at Ristorante Pigna – quiet place on a side street with vines covering the outside eating area. Noticing that the only patrons were Italians helped us make the decision to eat there. We definitely ‘came to the right place’ without having to be told…the food and wine were delicious.

Ok…we intended to catch everyone up to our exact moment, but considering that it is late, that we’ve finished two bottles of vino, and that we have an early appointment with the Vatican…we are going to sign off here and leave you in agonizing anticipation of what we did today…or is that stretching it a bit too far…?

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  1. Evidently, the coin Adam tossed 10 years ago insured his return………..would you look for ours while you are there and put another charge to them! oh, the passion, thrill and mystery to Rome! So happy to read about your ventures, when soon we will be wearing dentures, but not before another Big Bite of who knows what or where. Hey Mandy,do find and read some of Keat’s poems at the Spanish Steps…..or maybe I will send you one of his to ponder while you are there. Make Adam (as we know how much he loves to read poetry)read it to you. Yours in Adventure, LV, Katie

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