Home Away From Home

I love when you find something unexpected while traveling.


A little American Flag caught my eye on my and Adam’s first day in Denmark. I quickly approached to snap a picture – because nothing says “jet lag” like the incessant need to capture every single moment of your first day. I may recall a blur of activity later, but damn it if my pictures won’t light the way down memory lane!

Imagine my joy at finding the flag was for a store called “Signs of Time” that, based on the window display, sold nothing but antique American crap. Old ladders, old posters, old anything as long as it had something to do with my home, sweet home. After a chuckle I gasp – my jet lagged brain is screaming “This is SO important and rare and AMAZING!”:



You would have thought I’d stumbled upon a winning lottery ticket, but in fact just stumbling upon a piece of home away from home was enough. Jet lag may have fueled some of the extra excitement…



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  1. Who would’ve thought you’d stumble across an American vintage shop in Denmark? It was meant to happen obviously! Love your blogging!

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