Crazy Cat Lady

Everyone has their own private version of hell on earth, right?

Well, I’m sure that for some I made that hell on earth a reality late Sunday night on US Air flight 499.

You see, I happened to be traveling with a grown cat. On a plane.

…and the cat was not happy.

I’ve made some small judgments in the past on those people who travel with their animals. I remember only twice in all the flights I’ve had encountering people crazy enough to bring a cat with them on their airline adventure.

Each time I could hear meows but it took me several highly confused minutes to determine where on earth that sound was coming from and several minutes more to confirm that Yes, Virginia, there is a cat on your plane.

Both of those times I smirked and kind of rolled my eyes. Who on earth travels with a cat?!

Fast forward to last Sunday and…well…isn’t that ironic?

The vet provided me with natural “composure chews” that should help my cat feel calm. I put all my eggs in this one basket. Cat would eat said chews, feel pleasantly loopy and sleep throughout the 3+ hour ordeal.

But Cat was not going to chew those chews. Not only are those chews entirely too big for cats but they apparently taste like warmed up garbage because Cat refused to touch them.

Maybe I’ll just give them to her the way I would give a dog medicine?

“Hahahahaha!” – The Cat

So with my non-drugged Cat I made my sheepish way through the airport security line. I requested additional screening (how they expect me to remove my very angry cat from a crate, walk through a metal detector, and put her back into the crate without her escaping and causing rampant chaos is beyond me).

I am fortunate enough to be re-booked on a direct flight in first class. And then I realize…

I’m that person.

The crazy cat lady.

The pretentious first-class flying, scarf wearing lady who requires a cat for a companion.

And it’s not even a nice cat (for the moment).

Every cringe inducing yowl that escaped from the soft kenneled crate at 1, 5, and 30 minute increments. Every oh-so-judgey look that I returned with an apologetic “Yes I have a Cat” stare during the extra long boarding process. The disgusting smell that alerted me that my Cat had NOT enjoyed take-off.

Yep. Definitely someone’s version of hell.

And I helped complete it.


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