Tree-top Ninjas

As always when planning a trip there are a few sites you really look forward to seeing. Then, as you research, you inevitably add more and more to that list.

Kiyomizudera Temple caught our eye after reading that it was a temple for tree-top ninjas. This temple was perched high above the city of Kyoto nestled amongst trees, perfectly hidden from view at ground level, so that the said ninjas could protect the city.

Ninja Mandy

While that story isn’t entirely accurate, I was hooked. We would go to the tree-top ninja temple and discern the truth.

The truth, as it turns out, is pretty impressive in and of itself.

For one thing the entire structure, including an enormous porch that overlooks the city of Kyoto, was constructed without the use of a single nail (and I may have spent a good portion of our visit investigating the planks).

Ninja's love treetops

The Buddha who inhabits the main shrine here is a patron to business success and we witnessed several suit clad salarymen ring the gong in their socked feet.

Bang a Gong

A natural spring with healing properties – what originated worship at this spot – falls down in three waterfalls where tourists can catch some in a silver ladle and drink it to imbibe said healing properties.

Healing Water

The views are breathtaking and, in my opinion, are what make this site worth visiting. I can only imagine what it must look like during Sakura…

View of KiyomizuderaView from nail-less porch

View of Kyoto

…or with some ninjas roaming about.


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