To Travel

If you haven’t guessed by now, this blog is about the many adventures and mis-adventures had by us as we travel. We have both come to love the feeling of planning a trip, packing the suitcase, even saying goodbye…to a certain extent. We are always left feeling somewhat different than when we left. We learn new things about the world and, always, new things about ourselves. Sometimes these things aren’t so glamorous, sometimes these things can be frightening, sometimes these things are the exact opposite of what we thought we knew.

And each one of those realizations can, in a way, sum up why it is we love to travel.

To learn. To experience. To see life done differently. To do life differently, even if just for a little while. To travel.

I stumbled across this article recently that outlines some pretty incredible quotes about travel. I’ll leave you with my own personal favorite, and provide a link to the article so that you may find your own.

Travel on.

“To my mind the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

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1 Comment

  1. Cool………… this quote

    Thanks much..I signed up instantly ( Didn’t Bryon travel some down under?)

    I sent you all the articles about the new books from Pico Ayer and Paul Theroux, yes? ( 2 of my most favorite travel writer as well as that one great book from Linda Ellerbee (Take Big Bites

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