Melbourne has an incredible array of random alleys adorned with graffiti; some are just pictures, some are quite artistic, and some can make you do a double take. The ones with words are particularly likely to do this. Even though you’ve heard these sayings before, sometimes the right color palate and placement transforms these so-called cliche’s into something new again.
I am continuously impressed with the street art of Melbourne, especially considering that my understanding of graffiti is limited to the opening credits of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air…
We’ve said it before how traveling can challenge your preconceived notions and surprise you…this is in line with that…graffiti doesn’t have to be vandalism. It can be beautiful, artsy and thought-provoking. Keep it coming hoodlums artists of Melbourne!
1 Comment
Wowsa! I missed this blog entry for some reason………….as usual, thought provoking and great pics——so much there a reason you think for that? ( Great sales on the blue paint I am thinking)