A Few of Our Favorite Things

Wow what a great and busy couple of weeks this has been. Our two week anniversary of living Down Under was on Friday. In that time we have (and still are) hosted a couple of German women in our apartment, had dinner with an American couple from our meetup group and explored the beach area of St. Kilda. With all of this activity we were continuously struck by how awesome this city of Melbourne is and how much there is to do! Here are a list of a few of our favorite things…so far:

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The QV – this is our apartment building and we l-o-v-e it! Not only do we have incredible views (seriously, we weren’t joking when we said we wanted visitors…just waiting for that phone call…) but there are about 100 restaurants, shops and a grocery store right at our feet. Add in the central location and you have pure awesome.

Bubble Cup  – Delicious green tea infused with flavors and tapioca balls at the bottom = bubble tea. The best we’ve had is the honeydew tea. Very addictive. With one sip your face is transformed into the mascot of the place – huge, satisfied smile – Every. Single. Time.

Queen Victoria Market – a mere four block walk away from our apartment are rows and rows and rows of produce, grocery goods, meats, cheese, honey, food-to-go, souvenirs, clothing, a pet store etc. etc. We have made this a weekly – if not two or three times per week – ritual of going to people watch, check out the deals, purchase fresh produce (3 for $1 Avocados there versus $3 a piece in the store…no brainer!), and in general just enjoy the market culture.

St. Kilda – the beach town of Melbourne is a short tram ride south for us and full of so so much. First there is a great little Sunday market full of local artists and their wares (The Esplanade Market). Then there is the abundance of bakeries, outdoor seating, and the bay right over your shoulder. Luna Park provides fun and funky carnival rides. There’s also the awesome sidewalk mosaics, quirky atmosphere and Lentils as Everything (which kind of deserves its own paragraph…shall we?)

Lentils as Everything – oh yes, this vegan not-for-profit restaurant is full of veggie curries, pumpkin curries, rice dishes and delish hot chocolate. What’s more, they operate on a Good Karma policy – they simply do not charge you for dishes and instead ask for a donation at the end of your meal based on your experience and your ability to pay. Pretty sweet!

Sunsets – need I say more?

 Alexandra Gardens – this little park is right across the Yarra River on the Southbank and is a little loop of greenery right along the river where you can watch rowers, runners, ducks, geese and that gorgeous skyline. There is this great avenue of trees with yellowing leaves and the smell of Fall. While I love the city living, the park provides a welcome escape into nature. There’s also this skate park nestled in between the tree lined avenues where we watched an epic battle between two toddlers over one traffic cone. *Spoiler alert: the little girl wins* Yup, definitely a favorite.

Chapel Street – this little street is chock full of restaurants, bars, clubs disguised as bars (to Adam’s dismay) and shops down in the South Yarra neighborhood of Melbourne. While we’ve only experienced the nightlife of said area, it was hopping and we’ve already sworn to return for more soon.

TimTams – Oh the timtam…this delicious little biscuit is a chocolate covered slice of heaven. The dark chocolate mint ones taste just like Girl Scout Thin Mints – yea, delicious.

Without a doubt we will be adding to this list, frequently, over the coming months. Here’s to more favorites!

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