
The giddiness is starting to set in about our upcoming trip and it has made me think of all the things that this trip is supposed to be honoring. Graduating with my Masters in December, our 4th year of marriage in April, the return to fun and snarky blog posts…and yet as I think of all of these I realize that the biggest part of this trip, which definitely encompasses all of the above, is simply about mine and Adam’s mutual love of travel.

I love to travel. There I said it. In all it’s snootiness and glory. Why is it that travel can sometimes feel like a dirty word, a guilty pleasure one has to hide? The current state of the economy certainly doesn’t help and with all the chaos and upheaval going on in the world it can feel like an unwanted stint in the lap of luxury. So here is my attempt to be honest and humble at the same time when I say that I do love traveling the world with Adam and am grateful that we are able and capable of taking such trips. Traveling is a destination for us, no matter where we end up the adventure of seeing a new culture, crying at the sight of statues, walking where others have been walking for the past 1000 years (chill bumps anyone?)…that is what keeps us coming back for more.

Man, confessional booth or what? Cue excitement! Hip hip hooray our trip is only 16 days away! As we prepare for our next voyage to Munich, Prague, Amsterdam, Bruges and Paris we realize that there are some things that change as one travels more often. For example, I have not done a trial packing of the suitcase (yet), I am not checking and rechecking that my passport is not expired (it’s not), I am not pestering Adam to make sure our flights are already booked (again, yet). Cool as a cucumber – not quite – but definitely feeling more seasoned and able to focus on what is to come.

Not to say that traveling will ever become blasé (oh man, that word just screams pretentious…as does that one) but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I am glad my stomach doesn’t knot up anymore at the thought of a trans-atlantic flight or catching multiple trains.

So, here’s to celebration and love since those are the two best words I can think of to sum up our past and future travels! Can’t wait to update the blog from Munich!

p.s. CNN had a great article on the “Ugly American”

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  1. Once again, I get to be reminded just how well you can write……thoughtful, expressive, funny, reflective,etc……you two should pay attention to this taste for travel as you grow and go…………I know you have and do but it never hurts to keep checking in with the universe about these matters

    I am thinking since Mom and I have a big trip planned next year, maybe a domestic road trip will be in our future! In the meantime, I will wait with bated breath to see your post from one of my most fav cities ….Munchen! Chuus, chus, chus

  2. Looking forward to reading all about your upcoming adventures! Stay safe, have fun and be adventurous! Love, Mom and Dad

  3. I absolutely LOVE your writing and am so jealous of your travels…does your hubby have any single friends? Haha 😀 I’m enjoying following you in this blog, thanks so much for sharing!

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