Don't stop til you get enough…

Grab life by the horns, take big bites, the world is your oyster, grab the bull by his….well you get the picture!

Adam and I decided to ‘not stop til we get enough’ of this whole travel thing…so we now know where the travel bug will be bringing us come March 2011! Here are some hints to our destination…

Waffles, chocolate, beer, red lights, canals and crepes.

No fair guessing if you already know!!!

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  1. Thanks for guessing Uncle Bruce! You definitely had Amsterdam right! We actually considered going way up north to Sweden, Norway and Finland…but then we remembered the arctic winter and the 6 hours of daylight we would have in March. That pretty much pushed us back “south” where we’ll still be braving 40 degree temperatures but at least we won’t be hibernating. 🙂 Can’t wait!

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